Living in Exile

by Jon Lipsky

 September 29-October 1, 2017


Friday, September 29, 2017, at 7.30 pm
Saturday, September 30, 2017, at 7.30 pm
Sunday, October 1, 2017, at 2 pm
Stockbridge Theatre, Derry

Why tell this story? I think it is significant that the first War Story in Western Literature (apart from Bible tales) is not about revenge, but about compassion. ~ Jon Lipsky

Perhaps ancient tales remain because they speak enduring truths that must be remembered. Living in Exile presents a compelling reinterpretation of the Trojan War; playwright Jon Lipsky’s script draws directly upon the Homeric tradition of oral recitation. The set reflects a living room—in contemporary dress, the actors transform the modern space into a battleground through the power of words alone. They speak directly to the audience without theatrical grandeur or extraneous performance. This is the Iliad that sings with the voice of the casualty.

Meet the Company

Meet the company of Living in Exile:  

Directed by Matt Cahoon
Lighting Design by Tayva Young

Nicholas Wilder
Carey Cahoon
Rebecca Tucker
Candace Gatzoulis

Audience Reaction

“Go see this! Storytelling at its finest!”

“It’s definitely something I’m going to be thinking about for a while! I was blown away. Seriously, everything was perfectly executed, especially the use of light, and the storytelling was fantastic.”

“Theater can do many things, but it is at its best when it creates something out of nothing – God’s work. Living in Exile by Jon Lipsky is one such show. It is elemental storytelling that is both wildly inventive and original but remains grounded, universal, immediately relatable. It is that rare thing that comes together seeming born, not created. Go see it today if you have the opportunity.”

“An epic story, beautifully and powerfully told by a group of brilliantly talented performers. Don’t miss your chance to experience it!”

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